
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Holly: Week in the Life Day 3 - Photos & Words

WITL 2016

Tuesday was the first day, I was really taking photos like I was in it to win it with this project. Yet, I was fully committed until that evening when I realized I had some fun things to document this week and why not just do this now. So what, if both weekends sandwiching my week were a-typical.

WITL 2016

Making the coffee...this occurs without fail. Sometime early, while the kids are eating breakfast. Sometimes, when Drew and I get back from taking the other two to school. But it happens. Always. I did not drink coffee in college. Work and then kids turned me into a coffee lover.

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First ones up and at 'em. Drew is usually seen among some part of his dinosaur collection. They are waiting for their chocolate chip pancakes to be heated up. Dave makes them on the weekend and then we have the leftover ones during the week.

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Tuesday mornings, the behavior therapist, Stefanie comes at 8:30. The foam alpha puzzle is a fave. He didn't want to put it away, today, instead wanting to put a dvd in, but popping them all back out was irresistible.

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Ooh, a new toy to try with Stefanie. 

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Oralia & Belinda were over right after Drew's session to plan Thursday's Daisy Troop meeting and discuss our year end activities. The girls will be bridging over to Brownies!

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Maddox was over today after preschool. He comes over here once a week and Kendall goes to his house once a week. Today they got Lunchables which is a treat they are always excited about.

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 I ate the last few Turkey Lettuce Wraps left over from Sunday. Yum. Love this.

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And since Drew just destroys the contents of Lunchables without eating a single bite, I heated up some pasta and edamame for him.
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Holy Ka-Moly. My daily toy struggle. Two year olds like to dump things. 
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Drew asked to watch "Choo Choo Train" and promptly fell asleep at 2pm. I will let him sleep til 2:50 when we get ready to go get Audrey from school.
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I used this time to sit and work on photo editing for the massive amount of pics I have been taking this week.

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These two are back upstairs playing hard. Role playing with the dinosaurs and Ninja Turtles. Who knew TMNT would be popular once again!
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Nicholas came home with us after school for a Playdate today! We love having friends over. Having an after school snack and watching Phineas & Ferb.

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After a snack and show, there was a great game of hide-n-seek.

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We headed back to the park at 4:45pm while the after school kids were still out there.

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Audrey and Nicholas were playing racing games. This one involved starting at opposite ends and seeing who could get acros it first.

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By the time Daddy got home, our chicken pot pies were ready (it's a scientific system where I have him text him a set amount of time before he is leaving work). The boys already had baths and pj's. Now we are having family story time in the kids' room.
WITL 2016

Drew borrowed the Pout Pout Fish from Daddy's pile to read with me. He loved reading the repeated part "Pout Pout Pout Pout. Blub. Bluuub. Bluuuuub."
It was soooo cute. Ugh.

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After everyone (except Drew) were finally in their beds and mostly sleeping, Dave & I rented Deadpool on Vudu. This movie was made for Ryan Reynolds.

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Good night, Tuesday!

Holly |

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