
Monday, April 4, 2016

Fun organizing project & using your Project Life Stash

It's Luly here today sharing a fun organizing post for Monday morning.  I know I am not the only who struggles with organizing all those little bits of paper that need to be handy - business cards, phone numbers, notes and coupons! I have a great love for clipping coupons but not for using them! Even though my kids are grown this is still an area I struggle with!. I don't like clipping to my fridge because it tends to look messy and un-organized no matter how many times you straighten it...

I came up with a great solution - partially based on a pin I saw on Pinterest (of course) - and I set of right away to implement! Plus it lets me use up some of my scrapping stash - especially!

I had painted the inside of a corner cabinet in my kitchen a few years ago - but it didn't really function how I wanted it to... I added a few letter stickers and a couple of 3M Command hooks and I am very excited to use my new mini work station.

I love having an easy to access spot to display my Wi-Fi code (which is very long). I will add it now that I have taken the photos.  I added two 3M Command hooks to hold 2 large binder clips. I added some colorful washi to add a little pizzaz.  I used them 3M in case I want to change or tweak my system.  Do you know they sell refills for the adhesive?  That way you can truly have them as re-usable.  I have had the best luck find just the adhesives at WalMart...

For my Notes binder clip - I am able to use part of giant (I mean GIANT) stash of Project Life cards. These are handy for those quick grocery or to do lists - and having a cute piece of paper or card always makes the task less unpleasant! Finally I used another 4x6 card to mark down some important phone numbers that nobody has memorized but call frequently... like Grandma's house or our favorite pizza delivery place.

I had some fun Making Memories Scrabble tile stickers to add the name of each "area". I am using one of the binder clips to hold all of my coupons (these were just the ones I got yesterday at Walgreens). I am hoping that having them handy means I will actually remember them... 

I might still add a post it note pad - I might use a small piece of 3M Velcro to attach to this same door so its all off the kitchen counter.  A trick I use it that I attach the 3M strips together and then cut in half - they are usually fairly large - this works great for pictures with thin wooden frames too!

Here is a close up of my Valentine's card to my hubby that I printed right from the Project Life app - it is one of the freebies that is top right hand corner of the app itself (see the grey flag..).  There are options there now for Easter, Valentines, New Years and Christmas.  There are some cute ones you can use to document Easter or just some cute spring photos.

My guess is they will continue to add to it as the year goes by - I am really hoping for some Graduation card options, since my oldest is graduation college in May!

That's all for now - happy organizing and stash busting!

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